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Root Beer Chaga Boost

Posted by Longevity Warehouse on
Root Beer Chaga Boost

Making it through cold and flu season without getting sick takes an arsenal of health-promoting weapons – foods, supplements, and drinks – like this Root Beer Chaga Boost. It isn’t just one thing that’s going to get you to the other side of the season with your health intact. By stacking the odds in your favor every chance you get, you can deliciously support your body into a state of superior health.

Regular Root Beer is delicious, but it’s packed with sugar and unhealthy preservatives that do nothing to boost your health. In fact, it compromises your immune system which leaves you open to illness. Jing Soda Root Beer does exactly the opposite. It’s created using two herbal powerhouses, Chaga Mushroom and Rehmannia Root, that enhance your immune system rather than harming it.

This recipe for Root Beer Chaga Boost adds even MORE Chaga to the Root Beer to massively support your entire body. It’s great to drink every day of the year, and especially when you need some extra body-supporting benefits.

1 – Chaga Mushroom

Chaga may be one of the most important anti-aging and immune-enhancing mushrooms ever discovered due to its high level of polysaccharides, antioxidants, and betulinic acid.

Chaga is a remarkable medicinal mushroom that grows in living trees. It resembles a large piece of burnt charcoal, hence it is sometimes referred to as the “tinder mushroom”. It grows most abundantly in nearly all species of birch found in the circumpolar temperate forests of Earth’s northern hemisphere. In Siberian folklore, chaga is considered the “King of the Mushrooms” and has a long history of use in Chinese medicine.

Data from research conducted at facilities all over the world shows that chaga contains a full assortment of nutrients including Antioxidants; Polysaccharides (beta glucans, protein-bound xylogalactoglucans, etc.); Superoxide Dismutase; Melanin (the main pigment in human skin and hair, the retina of the eye, and the pigment-bearing neurons within the brain stem); Triterpenes (betulin, betulinic acid, and lupeol); Trace Minerals (contains antimony, barium, bismuth, boron, chromium, copper, germanium, manganese, selenium, and zinc), Major Minerals (contains calcium, cesium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, rubidium, silicon, and sulfur), and Vitamins B2 and D2.

The Overall Benefits of Chaga

The mycelium of the mushroom provides special compounds and metabolites that function to support longevity, immunity, beauty, and radiant health.*

Chaga is supportive to:

  • Eyes and skin*
  • Brain function*
  • Longevity*
  • Healthy aging*
  • Immune system function*
  • Cardiovascular health*
  • Digestive health*
  • Liver health*
  • Energy levels*

The Top 3 Benefits of Chaga

1 – Immune System Boosting

Chaga contains one of the highest amounts of anti-tumor compounds of any of the medicinal mushrooms known, especially in the form of betulinic acid, which is a powerful compound naturally present in the white part of the birch bark.

Studies have shown chaga to have natural anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties and to be protective of the liver.* The Betulin within chaga is heart-protective and works against the bad cholesterol in our body (LDL).*

Chaga contains non-linear, complex polysaccharides that boost our immune system and supercharge our health.*

2 – Anti-Aging

Chaga is unique among medicinal mushrooms and may be one of the most important anti-aging supplements yet discovered.* It has an extremely high ORAC value (antioxidant properties) which keep our cells strong and healthy.*

One of chaga’s antioxidant superstars is superoxide dismutase (SOD), which helps our body stop the damaging effects of free radicals that rapidly age us.* In fact, chaga contains up to 50x more superoxide dismutase than seaweeds, fruits, and vegetables – making it one of the most powerful anti-aging substances we can consume!*

3 – Beauty Benefits

Chaga was historically used in Eastern Europe to treat skin conditions, like eczema. Chaga is high in vital phytochemicals, nutrients, and free-radical scavenging antioxidants, especially melanin. Melanin is the same compound found in the main pigment in human skin and hair, the retina of the eye, and the pigment-bearing neurons within the brain stem.

When taken regularly, Chaga can help to shield your skin from UV damage. Over time, it contributes to healthy, glowing skin.*

2. Rehmannia Root

Rehmannia Root is revered in traditional Chinese herbalism as “the kidney’s own food”. It is deeply restorative to depletion caused by stress and/or lack of sleep and is the fastest way to restore lost energy.* Rehmannia contains an abundance of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, including alanine, glutamic-acid, lysine, vitamin A, B, C, D, calcium, copper, and magnesium.

Rehmannia is supportive to:

  • Kidneys, adrenal glands, and pituitary gland*
  • Immune system function*
  • Healthy inflammatory response within the body*
  • Healthy libido*
  • Healthy joints*
  • Respiratory health*
  • Healthy aging*
  • Healthy stress response*

How to Make a Root Beer Chaga Boost

Step 1: Add 1-2 dropperfuls of Jing Soda Root Beer to an 8oz glass of carbonated water.

Step 2: Add 1 full dropper of Wild-harvested Chaga Extract to the glass.

Step 3: Enjoy a delicious, immune-boosting, energy-restoring glass of Root Beer Chaga Boost!

This recipe is REALLY simple to make and is beyond delicious, which makes it a clear winner to us to support us right through cold and flu season. 

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