Scrubbed: The Fable of Exfoliation
Posted by Longevity Warehouse onAn Article by Nadine Artemis, Living Libations “It turns out washing your face twice a day with an oscillating face brush — which uses sound waves to dislodge bacteria, dirt and dead skin cells from your pores — is not as good for the skin as doctors once thought...
Hydrate Your Cells for Younger Looking Skin
Posted by Longevity Warehouse onThe following is an excerpt from The Beauty Diet, a book containing natural beauty secrets to help you achieve ageless beauty from the inside out! You are a water-based life-form. When you were a growing embryo, you consisted of more than 80 percent water, and as a newborn, you were...
Top 8 Tips to Stay Healthy at School
Posted by Longevity Warehouse onYour kids are headed back to school. But instead of being excited, are you panicked about how to keep them safe and healthy in the time of a raging pandemic? Keep your kids healthy long into the school year with these pro tips! 1 – Bring your own water bottle to school...
Rawkin' Valentine's Chocolate Smoothie
Posted by Longevity Warehouse onWhy do Valentine's Day and Chocolate go hand in hand? Cacao (the cacao bean is the source of all chocolate) contains anandamide, sometimes referred to as the "bliss molecule," which hits your cannabinoid receptors like a warm hug, making you feel happier while also increasing neurogenesis, the formation of nerve...
Healthy Saturated Fats
Posted by Longevity Warehouse onSaturated fats have been the target of a massive smear campaign since the 1950s, denounced for clogging our arteries, negatively impacting our cholesterol, and causing us to develop heart disease. While there is some truth to this crusade because some saturated fats contribute to these problematic conditions, other saturated fats...