He Shou Wu is one of the most popular and highly revered tonic herbs in Asian herbalism. He Shou Wu is the prepared tuberous root of Polygonum multiflorum, a plant that grows in the mountains of central and southern China. It shares equal status as the goji berry as a jing tonic of Chinese herbalism.
By virtue of its ability to accumulate tremendous quantities of qi into its root, this herb can tonify organs and nourish blood. He Shou Wu is not a stimulant. However, it is one of the greatest energy tonics known to mankind. It has a very mild sedative, just enough to calm the nervous system.* That is the magic of this great tonic herb, and its action is cumulative.
He Shou Wu helps maintain the strength and stability of the lower back and knees. It is used to maintain a youthful sexual drive. It is widely used in Asia to maintain the youthful condition and color of the hair. It has potent antioxidants with gentle actions in the liver and the eyes.* Its strength partially comes from its remarkable ability to support and maintain the healthful cleaning functions of the kidney and liver, which in turn support the blood.* It has also been found to support healthy adrenal gland functioning.
He Shou Wu is a good source of iron. He Shou Wu contains antioxidant-potentiating molecules. It supports the body’s innate ability to efficiently clear superoxide, the highly reactive free radical, from the body. Free radicals are produced at every moment of our life as part of the living process and our health depends upon our clearing them from our body on a moment-to-moment basis. This support generally and ideally comes from foods and herbs. It is widely believed that the SOD-generating capacity of He Shou Wu is one of the reasons it is considered by many to have longevity properties. These actions help maintain healthy physical and mental functions and structures.
He Shou Wu contains zinc, an essential trace mineral required by all forms of life. Numerous aspects of cellular metabolism are zinc-dependent. Zinc plays important roles in growth and development, the immune response, neurological function, and sexual and reproductive functions.
He Shou Wu is unsurpassed in its ability to provide deep, primordial jing energy to the cells of the body via the kidney system, as described in Chinese health philosophy. He Shou Wu supports the human body’s “functional reserve" by tonifying the kidney and liver functions, toning up Jing (vital essence), nourishing the blood, and fortifying the muscles, tendons and bones.*
The Legend of He Shou Wu
Li Ao from the Tang Dynasty (618-907) wrote a book called “The Legend of He Shou Wu” documenting in detail its discovery. Neng Si is the name of the man who is said to have discovered He Shou Wu in China.
“Neng Si was born with a weak constitution. Due to his chronic frailty, he had never been able to marry and as time went by had given up on the prospect of either marrying or bearing children. In addition, he had taken to strong liquor. Nevertheless, he was an enthusiastic follower of Taoism and often shadowed his Taoist teacher in the mountain.
“One day, at the age of 58, he fell into a drunken stupor in the forest. When he awoke, he observed a pair of vines entwined for more than three yards. He thought to himself that they appeared to be making love, and in a whimsical mood he dug up the root of the plant, which he took back to his cottage. No one in the local village recognized the herb. A hermit from the mountain saw it, however, and told him, 'This climbing plant struck you as peculiar, now surely it is supposed to serve you as a divine tonic. Why don't you take it?'
“He agreed and ground up the root into powder and swallowed a small amount on an empty stomach. In seven days, he started to “realize the Tao of Muman.” He started to feel an unknown vitality flowing through his veins and after a little while he noticed certain urges starting to develop. Soon this previously hapless guy began to experience something very unfamiliar to him – incredible virility – he could barely control his sexual desire. Over the next several months, he became strong. He decided to continue taking the herb, doubling his dosage. In several years, his hair grew dark again, and his appearance became youthful. Over the next ten years, he fathered several boys and changed his name to Neng Si, meaning “Capable of Bearing Offspring.””
Though the herb called He Shou Wu was well famed as a longevity tonic and a fertility enhancing sex tonic, revered herbalist Li Shi Zhen, who authored a book named The Great Herbalism (published in 1578), the greatest contribution to the development of Chinese herbal pharmacy, noted that though He Shou Wu had been established for a long while, few people were taking the herb at the time. A royal endorsement from an emperor changed that.
Ming Dynasty Emperor Shi Zong (reigned from 1521 to 1566) was gifted an herbal elixir called Seven Treasure Beard Beautifying Pill. He enjoyed “great success,” fathering several royal princes, and credited the herbal formula for this success. This formula, with He Shou Wu as the main ingredient, became an instant hit among the commoners, and He Shou Wu became a household herb throughout Asia.
Li Ao’s Personal Commentary on He Shou Wu
Li Ao, the Taoist sage who recounted the Legend of He Shou Wu, is famous as the sage whose walk “resembled a swift wind.” He had this to say regarding his personal experience with the herb: "I will reveal to you an herbal secret. Taking He Shou Wu helped me to father children. Originally, I preferred peace of mind, and under no circumstances did I want to take this herb, because I had heard it said that it was ‘harmful to peace of mind’ (referring to its stimulation of sexual desire). However, my spouse took it accidentally and we attained the greatest happiness (the highest level of sexual ecstasy). Since then I have continued taking this miraculous herb.”
The Story of Li Qing Yuen
There is a famous story that has been widely spread about a man named Li Qing Yuen, who, as the tale goes, is said to have lived to be 252 years old. All evidence indicates that this is not possible. Therefore, I believe the story of Li Qing Yuen must be viewed as a legend. Nevertheless, it is widely believed in Asia that Li Qing Yuen did indeed live and that he lived to an extended age – at least too over 100.
The story is worth telling because it expresses the deep interest the Chinese have had in the art of longevity and provides some excellent life lessons. According to the story, Li Qing Yuen was born in the mountainous southwest of China. He ran away from home at the age of eleven with three travelers in the herbal trade. Together the boy and his three teachers traveled throughout China, Tibet, and Southeast Asia, encountering many dangerous situations, all the while studying the herbal traditions of the various regions.
As Li Qing Yuen became older, he emerged as a practicing herbalist, well known for his excellence of health and amazing vigor. He was particularly interested in Taoist life cultivation and had a deep personal interest in tonic herbs. One day, when he was around 50 years old, he met a very old man who, despite his old age, could out-walk Li Qing Yuen. This impressed Master Li very much because he believed that brisk walking was both a way to health and longevity, and a sign of inner health.
Li Qing Yuen inquired as to the old sage's secret. He was told that if every day he consumed a "soup" of an herb known as gou qi zi (Lycium chinensis fruit - known to us as goji or wolfberries) he would soon attain a new standard of health. Of course Li Qing Yuen knew about this goji, but had not made it a central part of his daily herbal regimen. Li Qing Yuen did just what the old sage suggested and consumed goji soup from the time forward.
Because of his radiant health and longevity, he was greatly revered by all those who knew him, and many disciples followed him. Even at a very old age, his sight was keen and his legs were strong, and he continued to take his daily vigorous walks. One day, he was on a journey through treacherous mountains. In the mountains he met a Taoist hermit who was much older than him. Impressed by the great illumination of the old Taoist, Li Qing Yuen begged the sage to tell him his secrets. The old Taoist, recognizing the sincerity of Li, taught him some deep secrets of Taoist Yoga ("Inner Alchemy"). He recommended that Li change his diet and consume ginseng combined with He Shou Wu daily.
It is said that Master Li changed his diet accordingly. He also consumed very little meat and even limited his consumption of root vegetables. He also limited his consumption of grain. He consumed mainly steamed, above-ground vegetables and herbs. He supposedly died in 1930, reportedly after a banquet presented in his honor by a government official. He had married during his lifetime numerous times and lived through many generations of his many descendants.
Ron’s Note: I first reported on this story in 1984, in the book “Chinese Tonic Herbs (Japan Publications).” However, though I have tried, I have found that primary sources documenting Li Qing Yuen’s extreme longevity are non-existent. The story was first reported, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, in a 1933 news agency filing as "the oldest man on earth," with Master Li having been born in 1680 and having just died at the age of 253. The Guinness Book first identified him as Li Chung-yun and later as Li Zhongyun (1993 edition). The Guinness Book noted that “Li Chung-yun was said to have maintained a youthful appearance to the end, crediting it to Taoist wisdom and healthy living.”
The story is representative of a tradition that is rich in the lore of Taoists living to ages unimaginable by us. It is well known that among the Chinese population, the Taoists have always far outlived all other people in Asia. Many have lived to be centenarians and few died prematurely. The Taoist art of longevity, known as the "Way of Radiant Health" is one of the great legacies of the East. The Taoist arts of longevity include tonic herbalism, qi gong, tai ji quan, Taoist yoga, Taoist sexual techniques, and many of the martial arts.
The Science of He Shou Wu
“Prepared” or “not prepared,” it makes all the difference. The tuber of He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) must be “prepared” in order to be used as a regularly-consumed tonic herb. Unprepared He Shou Wu does not possess the tonic effects and can have unwanted side effects. To prepare He Shou Wu for tonic use, the freshly picked tubers are sliced and stewed in black bean soup (in a proportion of 10 parts He Shou Wu to 1 part black beans) until the soup is exhausted. The “prepared” roots are then dried. That is all there is to the “preparation.” Of course, no chemicals are used in the making of prepared He Shou Wu.
Prepared Ho Shou Wu extract increases cellular antioxidant activity. He Shou Wu supports the body’s innate ability to efficiently clear superoxide, the highly reactive pro-oxidant (free radical), from the body. He Shou Wu is rich in potent antioxidants and in antioxidant-potentiating molecules. He Shou Wu has been shown to help maintain youthful levels of SOD in laboratory animals even as they age. It is widely believed that the SOD-generating capacity of He Shou Wu is one of the reasons it has been found to have longevity properties.
He Shou Wu has been found to support fundamental immunological functions and adrenal fortitude. Scientific research supports He Shou Wu’s traditional function as a blood tonic. Prepared He Shou Wu can support the hematopoietic (blood producing) function of the body.* It does this by promoting the blood-generating hematopoietic stem cells.*
Extracts of this herb have been demonstrated to help support the membranes of erythrocytes (red blood cells) and to support the growth and development of erythrocytes in test animals. He Shou Wu is a rich source of lecithin, important raw material of red blood cell and other cell membranes. Lecithin is also a major component of nervous tissues. He Shou Wu contains even more iron than other blood tonics such as dang gui and goji.
Classically, He Shou Wu is considered a liver tonic. Many studies now support He Shou Wu’s protective and function-regulating actions on the liver.* Throughout our lifetime liver cells continually replenish themselves. Adult humans do not die with the same liver they were born with. In experiments on mice, prepared He Shou Wu helped maintain healthy structural integrity of the liver. Furthermore, researchers have found that this herb can stabilize liver cells by supporting membrane mechanism.* He Shou Wu is a good source of plant lecithin. He Shou Wu has a special tropism (attraction) to the liver.
The zinc content of prepared He Shou Wu is as high as 42 mg per 100 grams the herb. This is several dozen times higher than that of most herbs. Compared to animal foods, considered to be high in zinc at levels of 3-5 mg per 100 gram, He Shou Wu far outperforms. Numerous aspects of cellular metabolism are zinc-dependent. Zinc plays important roles in growth and development, the immune response, neurological function, and reproduction. On the cellular level, the function of zinc can be divided into three categories: (1) regulatory, (2) catalytic, and (3) structural. Zinc supports the metabolism of testosterone, and supports sperm quality and motility.
Dietary supplementation with either ethanol or water extracts of He Shou Wu can help maintain brain function and support learning and memory ability.
Per Dragon Herbs: This product is for individual use ONLY and cannot be resold or redistributed.
Concentration: He Shou Wu powdered extract is the powdered extract of the highest grade Prepared Polygonum multiflorum tubers grown in the remote high mountains of Yunnan province, China. It is produced by FITT™ technology at a temperature less than 108ºF.
Container Size: 60g
Suggested Usage: Add 1 teaspoon (2g) to 6oz. of water, hot or room temperature, stir or shake until the powder completely dissolves. He Shou Wu eeTee™ is meant to be consumed as a tea. The powder will dissolve within seconds in room temperature or warm water. Be careful not to use water that has been heated above 108ºF.
Active Constituents: Anthraquinones, phospholipids, a stilbene glycoside. He Shou Wu has also been shown to help maintain youthful levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), a powerful antioxdiant that transforms superoxide into ions that are less reactive.*
Who Can Use It? As long as it's "prepared," He Shou Wu can be used as a maintenance herb throughout one's lifetime. It is often the primary tonic herb used in a jing-building program.
Prepared Polygonum multiflorum tubers grown in the remote high mountains of Yunnan province, China. To prepare the He Shou Wu for tonic use, freshly picked tubers are sliced and stewed in a black bean soup until the soup is exhausted. The proportion is 10 parts He Shou Wu to 1 part black beans. The prepared roots are then dried. No chemicals are used in the making of prepared He Shou Wu.
The prepared herb is then transformed into Dragon Herbs He Shou Wu eeTee™ using the Fingerprint Identical Transfer Technology (FITT™) at a temperature less than 108ºF. Extraction at this low-level heat preserves the pigments, bioactive components, and intact enzymes.
Potential Adverse Effects: Raw (NOT prepared) He Shou Wu is a laxative and should not be consumed as a tonic herb (on a long-term basis). Adverse effects when using "prepared" He Shou Wu are very rare, but may include thin stool, occasional light abdominal pain, nausea, and/or vomiting. If you should experience any of these symptoms, discontinue use and consult your healthcare practitioner.
The Toxicity Difference: Prepared He Shou Wu has been used for over 2,000 years as a tonic herb in China and other Asian regions. In Asia, He Shou Wu is considered to be extremely safe and suitable for long-term and daily use. Unprepared He Shou Wu has conjugated antrhaquinones, which have a laxative effect. When He Shou Wu is prepared, these are reduced and the presence of free form anthraquinones increases. Free form anthraquinones have many health-supporting and protective benefits, making prepared He Shou Wu safe and effective. For information on the LD50 toxity tests conducted on raw and prepared He Shou Wu, we direct you to the Dragon Herbs website.
Dragon Herbs He Shou Wu tonic products are always made from PREPARED He Shou Wu.
Remember Ron Teeguarden's "First Rule of Tonic Herbalism" - COMPLIANCE! "If you don't take the herbs, they won't work."
Ingredients: Prepared He Shou Wu root extract powder.
Other Ingredients: Maltodextrin (less than 3%, non-GMO, corn origin, gluten free).
Maltodextrin is a binding agent, enzymatically derived from plant starch. In this case, it comprises less than 3% of the total volume and is derived from non-GMO and gluten-free corn.
Prepared Polygonum multiflorum tubers grown in the remote high mountains of Yunnan province, China. To prepare the He Shou Wu for tonic use, freshly picked tubers are sliced and stewed in a black bean soup until the soup is exhausted. The proportion is 10 parts He Shou Wu to 1 part black beans. The prepared roots are then dried. No chemicals are used in the making of prepared He Shou Wu.
The prepared herb is then transformed into Dragon Herbs He Shou Wu eeTee™ using the Fingerprint Identical Transfer Technology (FITT™) at a temperature less than 108ºF. Extraction at this low-level heat preserves the pigments, bioactive components, and intact enzymes.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.