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Dragon Herbs Heaven Mountain Goji Berries 8 oz
Dragon Herbs Heaven Mountain Goji Berries 8 oz
Dragon Herbs Heaven Mountain Goji Berries 8 oz
Dragon Herbs Heaven Mountain Goji Berries 8 oz

Dragon Herbs Heaven Mountain Goji Berries 8 oz


Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries are plump, juicy, naturally sweet, and absolutely delicious. Unlike other Gojis on the market, Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries are sweeter, fleshier and have less seeds. Snack-Grade Delicious.™

Millions of people throughout Asia consume goji berries every day for both their unique, satisfying flavor and for their health benefits. In China's first herbal encyclopedia, Shen Nong's Materia Medica, written in the 1st century B.C., goji was classified as a "superior tonic," a class of herbs that people should take on an on-going basis to preserve youth and to promote general well being of life.

Goji's superior tonic classification has stood the test of time. Two thousand years later, goji berries are still consumed regularly throughout Asian civilizations.

Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries are plump, juicy, naturally sweet, and absolutely delicious. Unlike other gojis on the market, Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries are sweeter, fleshier, and have less seeds. They also have a much higher moisture level, which contributes to their texture.

Most gojis on the market are rock hard. This is not without a reason. All the gojis sold in the US come from China, whether they are labeled as Himalayan, Tibetan, or Wild. That translates to a very long transit time from growing regions to the hands of the consumers. Typically, the berries reach consumers at least 4-6 months after they are harvested. To stay shelf stable, most goji farmers dry their goji berries until they are bone dry and very hard

After years of research and development, Dragon Herbs has developed a special handling process and a custom-designed package that allows the berries' to retain their natural moisture level while satisfying the shelf stability required in commercial trade. In a test conducted by an independent lab, Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries are shown to be twice as juicy as a competitor's. 


We now know that goji berries are a "high-ORAC" antioxidant-rich superfruit featuring important phytochemicals and antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, betaine, polysaccharides (LBPs), trace minerals, and vitamins. They are low in calories and high in fiber, iron, vitamins A and C, and dietary protein. In fact, 4 oz of goji berries provide 10% of the suggested amount of dietary protein for a healthy adult.*

Goji berries have complex carbohydrates, which release slowly into the bloodstream, supporting a healthy blood glucose level.* Goji berries provide an abundance of energy and nutrition without a lot of calories, making them the perfect snack for those attempting to maintain a healthy weight. Goji berries are known to support the circulatory and immune systems.* And they provide support to joints, support healthy sleep cycles, and enhance athletic performance.*

Heaven Mountain is a remote mountain range in the northern region of Xin Jiang Province, China. In a more sophisticated way, the concept of Di Dao used in the world of herbalism can best describe the relationship between the geographical and geological features of the region and the phytochemical profile of Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries.

The literal translation of Di Tao is “Earth Tao,” is “the Way of the Earth.” The Chinese dictionary definition of Di Tao is “from the place noted for the product ~ genuine, authentic, not from an inferior or counterfeit source.” According to the regulations of the Chinese Pharmacopeia, all herbal products manufactured and sold in China must utilize herbs that are Di Tao - that is, the herbs must come from a source that is considered legitimate and genuine. 

All plants are the product of their growing environment and conditions. Different regions have their distinctive make-up of water, soil, sunshine, climate, and biological distribution. The varying methodologies adopted by different regions in their cultivation, collection, and final preparation of the herbs further differentiate the herbs from different sources. The Di Tao source of an herb is gradually established through the historical use of the herbs. By documenting how herbs from different origins differ in their pharmacological effects on the human body, the regions or sources that produce the most desired results have slowly come to be recognized as the authentic genuine source, Di Tao, both by common knowledge among the practicing herbalists as well as by government supported official recognition in the Materia Medica

The Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China has officially certified Heaven Mountain goji berries as Di Tao.

Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries are one such example. The water, the soil, the sunshine, and the weather have the precise qualities necessary for producing the best, richest, tastiest, most potent Goji berries on Earth. As a result, they have an extraordinary and balanced phyto-nutrient profile.

As part of the enormous Gobi Desert that covers southern Mongolia and northern China, Xin Jiang receives little to no rain each year. Every drop of water in the growing fields is derived from the melted snow and glacial runoff from the pristine Heaven Mountain. This water is pure and structured – it is nature's ultimate irrigation system.

The virgin land of the Gobi Desert has little vegetation. It has a very high content of alkaline minerals. The pH level of the soil can be as high as 8.7 (17 times more alkaline than neutral) and the soil salt content can reach 1%. Few plants can survive in this kind of harsh environment. Goji, however, being an extremely adaptable plant, thrives here.

Daylight Duration
Xin Jiang province has the longest daylight duration among all provinces in China (Tibet included). It averages 2550 to 3300 hours of sunshine per year. The intensive sun light allows for much more productive photosynthesis in the Goji plants, leading to more flesh, sweeter taste, and naturally, higher content of active ingredients such as Lycium Polysaccharides (LBP).

Precipitous Daily Temperature Fluctuation
Another unique weather characteristic of Xin Jiang is the precipitous temperature fluctuation between day and night, usually as much as 36 to 45°F within a single day. The locals joke that in Xin Jiang, no traveling is necessary in order to experience the four seasons within one day. It is quite common that you start the day with a winter jacket, strip down to a silk shirt at noon, then at night, you can enjoy their famous watermelons, next to a bonfire, that is. It is Heaven Mountain Goji's superb adaptability that makes it a highly revered adaptogenic, stressfighting tonic herb.

Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries, a GREEN hero in reversing desertification.
Not only are the Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries good for you, they are good for the earth as well.
Because of Gojis' superb adaptability, they thrive where other plants fail to survive. The Goji plants are drought tolerant, cold resistant, and they can endure, and even thrive in, saline, and alkaline soil. Goji plants have highly developed root branches which bind firmly with the soil. Many Goji trees are being planted in northern and western China as a wind breaker, sand binder and soil ameliorator as part of a program to reverse desertification.           


What you probably don’t know are the stories of Goji and two of the most famous herbalists in China’s history who are also the most revered experts in the art of longevity. As authors of herbalism, they knew everything there was about every herb and they had access to all of them. Both chose to consume Goji daily throughout their entire lives and both lived famously to very old age. Please bear in mind that two thousand years ago, a human being’s average lifespan was only around twenty years. As of the 18th century, the average lifespan barely increased to around thirty years. The longevity of these two great herbal masters during their era is truly remarkable. 

Two of the most famous herbalists in China's history are also among the most revered experts in the art of longevity. As authors of herbalism, they knew everything there was about every herb and they had access to all of them. Both chose to consume Goji daily throughout their entire lives and both lived famously to very old age. Bear in mind that two thousand years ago, a human being's average lifespan was only around twenty years. As of the 18th century, the average lifespan barely increased to around thirty years. The longevity of these two great herbal masters during their era is truly remarkable.

Tao Hong-Jing (456-536 A.D.)
A Taoist master who specialized in the study of herbs, Tao compiled "Commentary on Sheng Nong's Materia Medica", one of the most valuable books on medicinal and tonic herbs in China's history. He also authored "Recordings of the Art of Health and Life Preservation". Tao Hong-Jing drank Goji tea everyday. He lived to be 80 years old.

Sun Si-Miao (581-682 A.D.)
Sun is also known as the Herb King. Sun lived to be 101 years of age. He was born with a very weak constitution and was very sickly in his childhood. His family was almost bankrupted with his medical expenses.

Sun devoted his lifetime to the art of medicine. His monumental books, "Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Pieces of Gold" and "Supplement to Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Pieces of Gold," have been regarded as compilation of China's medical achievements up to the 7th century. Sun believed if his work could save a single life, it would surpass the benefaction of a thousand pieces of gold. He wrote his first book at the age of 71, and he finished his "Supplement" book at the age of 100. A year after that book's completion, he died peacefully. This is not just longevity, this is vigor at an advanced age.

Because of his weak constitution, Sun Si-Miao was a very disciplined practitioner of the art of life preservation and consumed Goji every morning and every night throughout his entire life. He was as famous for his longevity as he was for his work. His secrets for achieving centenarian status 1500 years ago remain an active topic even today.

Compliance – Ron Teeguarden's First Rule of Tonic Herbalism
When it comes to benefiting from herbs, compliance matters the most. If you don't take your herbs, they cannot do you any good. Many people buy Goji berries that lack the sweet flavor and are tough to chew. The market is full of such products. They eat them for a little while and then stop, never eating a Goji again. This is extremely unfortunate because, as proven by the Herb King himself, Gojis' benefits are cumulative and it should be consumed daily, or at least regularly, throughout one's lifetime. Fortunately, the best Goji, in terms of quality and tonic benefits, is also the sweetest and tastiest Goji. People who discover this high quality goji enjoy eating a handful or two a day, and compliance is not only easy, but compelling. And that is why flavor, sweetness and texture are so important. "Compliance is the first rule of tonic herbalism." Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries are the only snack grade delicious Goji.

Remember Ron Teeguarden’s “First Rule of Tonic Herbalism,” summed up in a single word – Compliance. If you don’t take the herbs, they won’t work.

Per Dragon Herbs: This product is for individual use ONLY and cannot be resold or redistributed.

Container Size: 8 oz.
Serving Size: 2 oz.
Suggested Use: Goji berries are great for snacking, adding to smoothies, or adding as toppings to ice cream or other desserts.

Ingredients: Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries

Precautions: Manufactured in a facility that processes tree nuts and peanuts.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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