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Instant Vanilla Latte (only 3 ingredients!)

Posted by Longevity Warehouse on
Instant Vanilla Latte (only 3 ingredients!)

Did you know that our Vanilla Cream Jing Soda not only makes a delicious herbal cream soda, it also tastes amazing in our Longevity Coffee? Supercharge your coffee with all the herbal benefits of Astragalus - a powerful adaptogenic plant that has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Hailed for its immune system boosting strength, Astragalus is a powerhouse when it comes to keeping your body healthy and stress-free.


10 oz of your favorite Milk

2 dropperfuls of Vanilla Cream Jing Soda

2 oz Longevity Coffee

Add Vanilla Cream Jing Soda and Longevity Coffee to the bottom of your favorite mug. Pour the milk into your mug. Stir and enjoy your Instant Vanilla Latte hot or iced!

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